Monday, May 26, 2014

Spring has sprung

Finally was able to get out in the fields and get some stuff done.
The new tractor works like a champ. Had an issue with the 656 but it was just the starter solenoid so we got it up and running without too much fuss. The little Case donated a front wheel to the grain drill so we need to get that fixed.
Had a big bash for the May birthdays and such. Dad tried out the new tractor on the disc. Had to pry him out of the seat or he'd still be running it.
Got the old powerline and fenceline torn out on the north field so now I have 2 2 acre fields. Got 1 in corn and 1 in oats/hay. Bought a bag of seed corn and it was just enough to get the job done. Bought 5 bu of oats and 1 50 lb sack of hay seed and it was enough for the 2 acres with some left over to do half the back acre if it ever dries out enough to plant.
Working n getting some of the mess cleaned up around here. Was a junk hole when we bought it and haven't had much time to fix that. Hopefully this year we can make a dent in it.
Tammy has been busy out in the garden and working on the pond in the front. It's looking pretty good.
So here are some pics from around the place. Here is Dad discing up the corn ground.

Here's the corn field all planted.
Here's the oats up and growing.
Chris on his new toy.
And Tammy working on her pond.

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